Some people say there is no easy way to stop smoking. Yet people who have successfully quit will often tell you that it was easy, when they look back. Often, they tried many times before and failed - they went back to smoking after a few days, weeks, or months. But that one time, they stopped without much trouble, and never started again. So what made it easy that time?
Most smokers want to stop and if there was a magic method or supplement that worked for everybody, there would probably only be a couple of smokers left in the world. So it's pretty clear that whatever methods may be suggested, they do not work for all of the people who try them, every time.
Finding the easy way is often just a matter of doing it at the right time. This means that instead of deciding you will quit tomorrow, or next week, or on January 1st, you should act any time when you feel a strong desire to quit.
This moment may come when you are sick, when your kid says something to you that makes you feel ashamed, or just one day for no apparent reason. It might be right now. It will not just be a vague wish that you didn't smoke, but something stronger, a real emotional motive.
For most people that is what makes it easy one time when it never was before: they simply did it at the right moment. You have probably had these times in the past and ignored them. This time, do not push this moment away and try to forget it, but act on it. When it comes, stop right now.
Your motivation may still go up and down but you can be sure that you can make it through. You need to keep on thinking positively. Remind yourself how great it is to be a non-smoker. After a few days, you will find it is easier to sit through a long movie or plane journey without getting anxious and wishing for the end so that you could smoke. Be aware of how much more enjoyable your life is getting, and remind yourself of it often.
People who use aids like nicotine replacement, hypnosis, or any kind of therapy or support group usually do better than those who do not. It may be that their willingness to spend money on these things is a sign of higher commitment. These things can help you to keep your motivation high.
Most people have activities that remind them of smoking. Go ahead and avoid these activities for a couple of weeks if it helps. It is a good idea to give up alcohol temporarily, not only because you probably associate it with smoking, but because your motivation will be much lower when you have had a couple of drinks. You may also need to avoid certain places or even certain friends.
At the same time, you should not stay home alone with nothing to do. Quitting smoking can be a little like losing a friend: you will grieve, and you need to try to occupy your mind, your hands and your time. Take up a hobby that involves using your hands, such as woodworking or quilting, or make a list of things that need fixing around the house and do them one by one.
Drinking a small glass of water every time you have a craving is a great way to avoid overeating. Or simply notice how quickly a craving disappears. You may be surprised. Even if you do nothing to satisfy it, the strongest craving will vanish within 90 seconds. Sure it comes back, but 90 seconds is not long to hold out each time.
If you have a lot of anger coming out and you are taking it out on your friends and family, do not use that as an excuse to give up your resolve. Your irritability is only temporary. It may seem that your friends would be better off if you started smoking again, but that is not true. They are way better off without you blowing smoke into the air that they breathe.
In the end, the easy way to stop smoking is any way that works for you - when you do it at the right time.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Easiest Way To Stop Smoking Revealed
Posted by
thomas health
9:32 PM
Aromatherapy Recipes For Natural Acne Treatment
Aromatherapy has its roots in the ancient practice of using natural plant essences in order to promote health and well being. As an alternative medicine, it is typically used to treat an array of different illnesses and health conditions. Acting on the central nervous system, it is used to relieve conditions such as depression, anxiety and stress. Aromatherapy recipes are some of the best therapies in natural acne treatment.
Through the blending of essentials oils and carriers such as jojoba oil, these recipes exhibit antibacterial and antiseptic properties that help control outbreaks and promote healing.
A few simple precautions need to be observed. Some of these recipes contain certain essential oils that should not be used during pregnancy, such as juniper tree oil and Lebanese cedar oil. Bergamot essential oil should be used only if you can avoid sunlight exposure for at least 12 hours. If you are being treated by a dermatologist, or have anything more than a minor skin condition, you should seek professional advice before using.
Not all essential oils are useful for acne treatment, so we will note a few that are effective.
Some of the recommended essential oils for acne control are Cedarwood, Jasmine, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lebanese Cedar, Bergamot and Tea Tree.
Lavender essential oil and Tea Tree seemed to be well tolerated by most users and Tea Tree is one of the best and most popular for natural acne treatment.
Aromatherapy recipes consist of a mixture of two or more oils that work together to produce the desired results. Here are a few easy recipes that you can make at home.
Mix the following in a small bottle or container:
• 1oz. jojoba oil
• 10 drops of lavender oil
• 7 drops of tea tree oil
• 2 drops of bergamot oil
• 1 drop geranium oil
(To mix without the bergamot oil, simply use 12 drops of lavender oil).
Shake ingredients well and apply to your face, neck or back. Avoid your eyes, nose or the inside of your ears.
Another simple recipe is to mix (2) drops of juniper oil and Lebanese cedar oil in a small amount of water and apply every two hours. One more recipe is, (2) drops of juniper oil in (1) spoonful of jojoba oil, mix and apply to pimples.
For body acne, try adding a few drops these essential oils to a non-perfumed body lotion and apply at bedtime. A guide line for mixing essential oils with a carrier is approximately 2-3%.
As with any acne treatment, these too will take time to work. If you have a serious skin condition, please consult with a dermatologist. For allergy prone skin it may be wise to try applying the oils in a small area first.
The information provided here has hopefully opened one more avenue for you as you seek successful treatment. If you have no experience in mixing these oils, you will want to consult the professionals before you begin to make your own aromatherapy recipes. It is important to know how the oils act and will interact with each other.
Recipes or blends and the essential oils needed are easy to obtain, especially online. You will be provided with a list of ingredients that you will need and how to mix them correctly for the best results. This field is growing more and more popular as a viable alternative medicine in the treatment of many issues of the body and mind, especially stress which can also be a contributor to skin conditions.
Equipped with a few essential oils and the knowledge of how to use them could make a tremendous difference in your physical and mental well being. Imagine clearer skin, more confidence and peace of mind through natural acne treatment with aromatherapy recipes.
For more information concerning acne treatment and acne scars, medications, home remedies and natural cures, please visit:
Posted by
thomas health
2:09 AM
Friday, May 22, 2009
Six स्मार्ट Steps To Surviving Stress
Whether the economy goes up or down, it looks like stress is here to stay. In addition to putting a strain on your body, one of the many side effects of protracted stress can be diminished self-esteem. It may be subtle, but feeling overwhelmed by responsibility erodes our ability to love ourselves.
How does this happen? As we become more and more focused on what we're doing, we forget how to just 'be.' It's when we are "being" that we commune with our deepest sense of self and remember our best qualities.
Here's a checklist to see if your stress level is affecting your self-esteem:
* Do you end each day thinking about all the mistakes you made that day?
* Do you think negative thoughts about yourself?
* Are you finding it increasingly difficult to express yourself clearly?
* Do you feel that no matter how much you do, it's never quite enough?
* Do you feel guilty because you crave time for yourself and there are so many other things to do?
* Are financial worries making you question the value of everything you do?
Don't panic! Many people are feeling these same feelings, so you know you're not alone. But you can be more proactive with this simple six-step program. You may want to call it, "Recommitting to My Self-Esteem."
1. For at least 15 minutes every day, I will sit quietly in my favorite chair, the tub or Jacuzzi, under a tree, or anywhere I feel the most comfortable. I will alert family members not to disturb me because this is officially "my time." In this alone place I will think, write or meditate on my good qualities as well as areas that require some attention. I'll take the time to praise myself where I excel, and be patient with myself regarding weaker points. This will help me to get comfortable with taking care of myself.
2. Each morning I will focus on one of my good qualities and on one area of weakness. Then throughout the day I'll be aware of expressing the good quality and improving the weak one. This will help turn my focus inward instead of in a constant outward direction.
3. At least once a month, I will take a risk by doing something that feels difficult to do, such as asking for a raise, talking to my mother-in-law about her bossiness or confronting a friend who's disappointed me. This will remind me that I am not just a workhorse, but a person who can make positive, forward-moving changes in life, while getting daily tasks done.
4. I will require that the people in my life be accountable for their share of responsibilities. I will also say no to assuming more than I can truly handle. This will remind me of the importance of setting clear and healthy boundaries.
5. I will eat healthy foods, exercise at least several times per week and love my body, even with its imperfections. This will remind me that I am a spiritual being inhabiting a human body, and that material gains and losses mean nothing in the long run.
6. I will do what I feel passionate about, whether it's riding a motorcycle, painting pictures, walking in the woods, or whatever makes me feel alive. Woven into each day's activities will be a renewed awareness of those things that feed my soul, and I will pursue those interests for at least two hours every week. This will remind me that I deserve only the best life has to offer.
Even if stress is here to stay, it doesn't have to be the enemy. Remember, no matter what's happening to your bank account, you still deserve to feel good and enjoy life.
Posted by
thomas health
10:27 AM
E Cigarette: A Healthy Way to smoke
Clinical studies have clearly established the connection between smoking and several chronic medical conditions, which includes different forms of cancers, emphysema, and coronary diseases. Aside from the health hazards associated with smoking, there are also risks posed to other people through secondhand smoking. So, one of the challenges for health professionals and smokers alike is to find a solution to the health risks that smoking brings. Aside from "stop smoking" campaigns, perhaps a more realistic approach is to find smoking alternatives that present smokers the pleasure of smoking without the health problems associated with it. One of these alternatives is the e cigarettes or electronic cigarettes.
What is an e cigarette?
An e cigarette is an electronic device that’s being introduced as an alternative to traditional smoking. It does this by vaporizing a nicotine mixture or packet and that in turn is inhaled by the smoker. Electronic cigarettes generally contain a heating and mechanical mechanism, and a nicotine cartridge or container. The heating mechanism usually contains a sensor where it activates the heating or vaporizing process when inhalation or vacuum action is detected. This then turns the nicotine mixture into a vapor, ready for inhalation by the smoker.
E cigarettes are usually made to look and feel like traditional cigarettes, and they even have an LED that lights up when a smoker puffs on the cigarette. The device is usually powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, which the smoker needs to recharge should the electronic cigarette run out of power.
How can the electronic cigarette be a healthy alternative to smoking?
According to studies, much of the carcinogens and toxins from tobacco smoking comes from the burning of tobacco leaves. There are 19 known carcinogens found when tobacco leaves burn. Aside from those, there are also lead and tar from cigarette smoking. And, one should not forget, the smoke also affects the surrounding people through secondhand smoke. Then there’s also the carbon monoxide emitted that affects the quality of the environment.
Despite these health hazards, smokers continue on with their habit. It is the stimulating but calming effects of nicotine that make people addicted to smoking. Additionally, nicotine constitutes a large part of the taste of tobacco.
If you consider these facts, you may be able to discern how electronic cigarettes can become a healthy alternative. Look at these points:
1. E cigarettes don’t burn tobacco leaves.
2. E cigarettes just provide the nicotine without the carcinogens and toxins.
3. E cigarettes don’t give out smoke.
If you combine those points, then you should form a picture in your mind of how electronic cigarettes are much better than conventional, unhealthy cigarettes. You know the saying "where there’s smoke, there’s fire"? Of course, the reverse is also true. If there’s no fire, there’s no smoke. In the case of tobacco smoking, combustion takes place. In electronic cigarettes, this process doesn't happen at all. So if there’s no combustion, you remove the conditions that results in the production or release of toxins, carcinogens, and carbon monoxide.
Another advantage that e cigarettes present is that they give out the same pleasure of traditional smoking as using e cigarettes simulates the inhalation of smoke. Also, these devices are made to look and feel like cigarettes, so smokers would have an easier time transitioning to them. As smoking is also a psychological habit, many smokers need to feel a stick between their fingers and lips. This is one thing that can’t be given by other smoking alternatives such as the nicotine gum and the nicotine patch.
Finally, an alternative!
Smoking does present several health hazards and risks, but through technology, even that can be circumvented. One innovative solution that uses technology to solve the health problems posed by cigarette smoking is the electronic cigarette.
Posted by
thomas health
5:42 AM
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