Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How to Increase Your Metabolism

Metabolism refers to the rate and method in which your body processes the food that you eat. A person with fast metabolism tends to be slimmer because processed food does not remain inside the body. Instead of forming into fat cells, they are utilized and burned by the body accordingly.

A person with slower metabolic rate has the bigger problem. When his metabolism is slow, high are the chances that he’ll find it hard to lose weight. The only way to successfully cut inches around your belly and the rest of your body is to increase your metabolic rate.

Here are the suggested effective ways on how you can increase metabolism and facilitate weight loss:

1. Determine the problems that causes slow metabolism.

The most common reasons why a person suffers from slower metabolic rate are age, sex, heredity, and physical disorders. While you can’t do so much about the other factors, you can certainly do something about your disease. Make sure that you get the proper medications for it. As for the others, it is best that you consider your options very carefully when attempting to increase your body’s metabolic rate. Consult with a certified health expert to guide you through it.

2. Create a functional diet plan.

To increase your metabolism, it is necessary to eat decreased quantities of food several times throughout the day. Make sure that you take in 5 to 6 small meals daily. This way, you are forcing your body to process food during your waking hours. Over time, your body would get used to this process and keep on burning fats around the clock.

3. Drink water frequently.

Water can keep you filled. Besides, water forces your body to burn fats. On the other hand, if your body is deprived of water, it would save instead of burning calories. A person’s metabolic rate is greatly affected by the body’s water content. So be sure to drink more than enough water on a daily basis.

4. Do aerobic exercises.

When doing exercises, be sure to include aerobic workouts in your routine as well. This type of exercise increases heart rate. You are going to need the full functions of your heart to increase metabolism. Your heart will be able to efficiently pump blood throughout the body, decreasing instances of fat cells forming. Aerobic exercises are known to temporarily increase a person’s metabolic rate.

5. Weight training.

For a more long-term effect on speeding up your metabolism, try to do some weight training exercises. Improving your muscle tone would decrease your body’s calorie count. The more lean muscles built, the better your metabolic rate will be. This is when you can virtually say that you are burning fats even as you sleep.

Increase your metabolism by following these five easy steps. With regular practice, you’ll notice that your body is slowly getting back in shape and getting the form that you desire. Lose weight fast and easy. Make your body’s increased metabolic rate do wonders for you.


meus said...

its true works

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